{{tag>Telephone_Number SIP_Number Call_Forwarding SureVoIP_Portal}} ====== How to Change the Destination for SureVoIP Numbers ====== This guide explains how to change your number destinations. Your numbers can either be: * Delivered to a fixed IP address as SIP * Forwarded to another phone number (VoIP, landline or mobile) ====== Step-by-Step Guide ====== - Log into your [[https://portal.surevoip.co.uk|SureVoIP Portal]]. - Click on the **Numbers** menu option. - Find your phone number you wish to edit. If a UK number, the preceding 0 will be replaced with 44. ((**44** is the international prefix code for UK telephone numbers - numbers formatted this way are referred to as **E.164**)) - Click the edit icon:\\ {{:howtos:more:screenshot_howto_ddi_edit_dest_marked_new.png?nolink&800|}} - If your destination is a SIP destination: - Select the SIP tab. - Set the phone number in the phone Number field:\\ {{:howtos:more:screenshot_howto_ddi_edit_set_sip_number.png?nolink&600|}} - Set the server address in the Server field:\\ {{:howtos:more:screenshot_howto_ddi_edit_set_sip_server.png?nolink&600|}} * Address can either be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), or an IP address. * Port is optional, and will default to **5060** if not set. - Click **Save**. - If your destination is a phone number: - Select the **Call Forward** tab. - Enter the destination number in the Number field:\\ {{:howtos:more:screenshot_howto_ddi_edit_call_forwarding_number.png?nolink&600|}} - Click **Save**. - If your number is connected to our Hosted platform, you will receive a message that the number cannot be managed on the SureVoIP Portal, and will need to adjust Call Forwarding settings on your Hosted Portal (see your Welcome Pack for details):\\ {{:howtos:more:screenshot_howto_ddi_hosted.png?nolink&600|}} ====== Important Information ====== * Your numbers will be listed in an international format, with a 44 in place of the preceding 0. For example, //01220 123456// will be listed as //441220123456//. * Each number can support up to 5 destinations, which increases resilience should something happen to your PBX or internet connection. For setting up additional destinations, please contact [[support@surevoip.co.uk]]. Each next destination will be attempted if the preceding one times out. (Busy, Unavailable etc will not count).