How to Set Up the Snom D3XX and D7XX Series IP Phones

This guide explains how to set up the Snom D3XX and Snom D7XX Series IP handsets to connect to the SureVoIP Single User and Hosted VoIP service.

These instructions apply to:

  • Snom 300
  • Snom 320
  • Snom D305
  • Snom D315
  • Snom D345
  • Snom D375
  • Snom D710
  • Snom D712
  • Snom D715
  • Snom D725
  • Snom D745
  • Snom D765
  • Snom D785

Other Snom handsets, such as the Snom D7XX Series and Snom 800 Series, should apply but vary slightly. Please consult your model's documentation.

See the Snom D3XX Series and Snom D7XX Series official website for further information on these handsets.

  1. In your web browser, type in the IP address of your handset.
    The IP should look like
    • You can view the current IP address by pressing the ? key on your handset keypad. Your IP address will be displayed by IPAdr
    • If SureVoIP supplied your handset then the password will be the same as your MAC address
  2. Click on the Identity 1 button.
  3. Under the Login tab
    • Set Display Name to your real name.
    • Set Account to your supplied Auth Username
    • Set Password to your supplied SIP Secret
    • Set Registrar to your supplied Registrar Server
    • Usually not required, but you may need to set Outbound Proxy to be the same as Registrar, as above
    • Set Authentication Username to your supplied Auth Username - same as Account.
    • Set Mailbox to *97
    • Set Display text for idle screen to anything meaningful to you, ie SureVoIP. This helps identify which line you are using if you have more than one identity.
  4. Go to the SIP tab
    • Set Proposed Expiry to 3600
  5. Go to the NAT tab
    • Set Offer ICE to off
    • Set STUN server to blank
    • Set STUN interval to blank
    • Set Keepalive interval (seconds) to 60
  6. Go to the RTP tab
    • Set Codec to

      This setting may differ depending on the firmware version your handset is running

    • Set Packet Size to 20 ms
    • Set RTP Encryption to Off
    • Set RTP/SAVP to Off
  7. Apply the settings and reboot your phone

If your phone is not registering, or you are not able to make calls, check the User account, password and SIP server settings.

  • Ensure SIP ALG is disabled on your router. See this page for further information.
  • If those are correct, also check your firewall settings.
  • Is your time correct? Check Advanced → Network → NTP Time Server (under Time) and if it is empty enter or use your company's time server. Don't forget to set the correct timezone.
  • If calls are dropping after a certain amount of time (for example, every 15 minutes) then try disabling the SIP Session Timer (s) - this can be found under Advanced → SIP/RTP.
  • If you are unable to receive calls intermittently then increase the Keepalive interval (seconds) frequency (lower number). For example, set this to 30.
    This setting can be found under Identity 1 → NAT (or use the relevant identity for your set up).
  • If you have tried the above and are still having trouble then try a different broadband router. We strongly recommend you use a business-grade router. Contact us if you would like a quote for a suitable business-grade router.

If you are still not able to connect, contact SureVoIP Technical Support.

  • howtos/setup/snom.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/25 16:21
  • by